A military homeschool family embracing

Getting Started As a Military Homeschool Family

Ensuring that children receive the best education possible is a priority for parents everywhere. Military families in particular often struggle with ensuring their kids get a good education amidst redeployments and moves. Many military families are going the homeschool route, and for good reason. 

Why Military Families Homeschool

Just when you seem to be getting into a groove, it’s time to move again. Sound familiar?

Military families are typically stationed in a specific location for anywhere from 2-3 years. Some assignments last a shorter or longer period depending on a member’s specific duty. What does that mean for the kids of active military parents? The USO estimates that military children change schools between six and nine times during their childhood. 

Despite support from military organizations, the frequency of upheaval of home, friends, and schooling can negatively affect children of all ages. This is particularly true when it comes to their education. 
Some of the most documented struggles among this group are:

  • Widening learning gaps. Though teachers may try to help transient students catch up, the traditional school system is ill-equipped to give that support. Military homeschooling families have a leg up here by being able to provide consistency in their children’s education.
  • Difficulties in socialization. An ever-changing social community is difficult to navigate and disruptive to socialization milestones when there are no long-term relationships.
  • Difficulties in understanding concepts in-depth. Each teacher, classroom, and curriculum is slightly different, despite following similar national standards. Over time, this creates a hodge-podge learning experience for children of military parents. 

All of these factors lead to an inevitable drawback of the military family lifestyle. Because of them, students fall behind in their learning then constantly struggle to catch up.

However, there’s hope in turning these statistics around. Homeschooling is an option that may be able to help children avoid these issues.

How Frequent Moves Affect Our Children

Moving creates more challenges than just the problem of revolving friend groups. The social aspect is worrisome in itself. However, it’s the educational effects that are most daunting because of their long-term effects. 

And it’s not only a concern for younger students. Teenagers have proven to be just as likely to show signs of psychological distress and educational trouble. 

Luckily, many families have found military homeschool programs to mitigate some of their most common educational concerns, such as:

  • Altered or delayed developmental milestones. In school and in their social lives, children who move often tend to progress slower. 
  • Lowered achievement. Frequent moves and learning gaps go hand in hand. Homeschooling is an option that helps military families stay ahead of these problems by providing stability regardless of where they live.
  • Long-term effects. The educational experiences kids have at early ages can be an indicator of their financial success later in life. Fortunately, the right homeschooling curriculum can place your students ahead of the curve. (In fact, MiaPrep offers detailed courses on Financial Literacy and Economics that teach students important skills to address this exact issue!)

Moving is a part of life for many military families. A trusted, accredited homeschooling program can help alleviate many of the issues associated with alternating schools.

A smiling homeschool child being held by a military parent

Miacademy: The Answer to Your Military Family Homeschooling Dilemma

Falling behind in school can be frustrating for students and parents alike. That’s why there is a growing number of homeschooling military families. According to the 2021 Blue Star Families Survey, majority of active duty family respondents are parents (85%), and of those families, 75% reported at least one child being homeschooled.

Homeschooling encourages children to pursue their interests, learn at the right pace, and never miss out on important information again. But of all the homeschooling options available, what makes Miacademy the best homeschool program for military families?

Miacademy is proud to be an accredited online homeschool curriculum. That means our programs have been reviewed by an outside agency and have reached or exceeded their standards of quality. We offer a huge array of lessons created by certified educators. 

Our curriculum is completely flexible and self-paced. That way, your child can work at the level that is just right for them. Plus, our homeschooling program can travel with you. This makes it the perfect way to get some more consistency in your child’s routine.

Miacademy not only provides a place to learn, but also a safe place for students to socialize. This means children can stay in touch with friends no matter where you go. 

Miacademy for Military Homeschool Families

All children deserve a stable, rewarding educational environment to think, learn, and explore the world around them. Mia can provide that stable, enriching curriculum and sense of school community wherever jobs, military stations, or life takes your family. 

Remember, moving is a common part of life for families in the military, but homeschool laws may be different in each state. Be sure to check your local regulations to make sure you’re meeting all requirements.

If you’d like to learn more about using Miacademy for your military homeschool family, reach out to our amazing customer service team!


Do many military families homeschool their kids?

At least 10% of military families are estimated to homeschool their kids. This number grows every year, showing that homeschooling is a great choice for many military families!

Why do so many military families choose to homeschool their kids?

It is common for children of military families to change schools up to nine times during their K-12 education. This can make it harder for those children to meet their learning goals. Homeschooling can help military families provide a consistent and high-quality education to their kids.